Is This The Most Exciting Medical Breakthrough Of The Decade

FN Media Group Presents Market Commentary


London – October 19, 2021 – According to Google’s Health boss David Feinberg… over one billion people a day search Google for health concerns. But, what if, instead… they could “consult” a phone app with the power of hundreds of doctors?  Mentioned in today’s commentary includes:  Pfizer Inc (NYSE: PFE), Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE: TEVA), Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ), AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV), Merck & Co. (NYSE: MRK).


That’s exactly what will be available weeks from now when’s (TRUE; TREIF) and their big tech platform for healthcare, deliver the breakthrough  AI app Cara launches. After five years in beta, we think that they are about to disrupt the $11.8 trillion healthcare industry.


It will be available to 300million smartphone users in USA. And that’s just for starters. Eventually, it could target the world’s 3.8 billion users. When this happens, (TRUE; TREIF)  – the maker of the global library of medicine driving Cara–could see an exponential boost in revenue…




The AI healthcare market is growing at an astonishing rate. It’s growing at a compound annual growth rate of 41% a year, according to GrandView Research.


Some predict it will go from $6.7 billion a year to $120 billion a year in revenue by 2028 That’s 18X growth. The smart money is moving into this sector now, chasing these potential returns. So, how does Treatment’s Carabreakthrough AI app work?


Cara was trained by hundreds of doctors to think like a doctor to be your personalized symptom-checker, provide intelligent follow-up, and manage healthcare for your entire family. Not only was it trained by doctors, but it’s also licensed to train doctors at the University of Minnesota’s medical school.




Instead of turning to Google…Tens of millions of people are now turning to the next generation of health apps…And those apps have been statistically proven at times to be better than actual docto-rs at performing correct diagnoses and providing the right medical guidance and prescriptions. Cardiologists are now competing with IBM’s Watson Health, which has a track record of diagnosing heart disease better. The entire healthcare sector is undergoing digitization, whether it’s something as basic as patient records, as convenient as wearables or as complex as AI diagnosis. It’s redefining healthcare monumentally.


According to TechCrunch’ Kai-Fu Lee, diagnostic AI will “surpass all but the best doctors in the next 20 years”.  And studies have already demonstrated that AI trained on big enough data can outperform doctors in various elements of diagnosis–from brain tumors and skin cancer, to eye disease, breast cancer and lung cancer.  And the COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating the disruption . And even then, an April 2020 study found that an AI system managed to detect 17 out of 25 positive COVID-19 cases based on normal CT images, while professionals had failed to detect any.




Like Amazon disrupted retail…Like Netflix disrupted everything from cable TV to Hollywood …’s (TRUE; TREIF) Global Library of Medicine (GLM) Powered Cara app is looking to disrupt symptom diagnosis and healthcare management.


How? By empowering consumers to take control of their healthcare in an increasingly dysfunctional system that is impossible to navigate and wildly unaffordable. For the past 5 years, Cara’s tech team has been harnessing the power of AI…To develop a more accurate smartphone AI engine. Why?


The biggest opportunity in an AI healthcare sector that hit $120 billion in 2020 and some predict will hit an unbelievable $4 billion by 2025 is going “direct to consumer”. Currently, people try to self-diagnose online… But soon that will change.


Treatment’s Mobile application with Cara Digital Health Assistant provides users with tailored assessments and recommendations from personal medical history, wearable data and individual tracking data. It also provides intelligent, AI-powered follow-ups–just like a doctor. It integrates intelligent tracking and monitoring into a single app to support health and illness prevention.


It’s been so successful that it’s now being licensed by universities to train doctors. And now, by the end of October, this same technology — the Cara Health App — will launch in the public…


Giving you the power of a huge number of doctors in your smartphone. A first or second opinion is only a tap away. And with each tap, (TRUE; TREIF) the maker of Cara–could see a boost in revenue.




The direct-to-consumer phone app model is one of the most profitable in history…And first-movers in new categories become tomorrow’s big stock winners.


WebMD isn’t a publicly traded company, and it’s valued at $2.8 billion–without any intelligent AI or healthcare management aspect at all. Babylon Health is valued at $4.2 billion now and is gearing up to go public. But Cara is a breakthrough.


It’s the next gen app and could become worth more than the others in the industry. Why? Considering the estimated one billion Google searches a day for health concerns… Cara only needs a 1% market penetration… To gain 10 million new users. 10 million users could turn this small company into a multi-billion-dollar household name.


In time, (TRUE; TREIF) could grow much more because it has first-mover advantage with North American Heritage, unlike a number of competitors. It’s already clear that the multi-trillion-dollar healthcare industry is being thoroughly disrupted by AI …


AI in the healthcare industry will grow by multiples more … from $6.7 billion to over $194 billion by 2030…With a direct-to-consumer model …That links the consumer up with wellness, telemedicine, pharma and health products for multiple revenue generators, plus collects a goldmine of data that could ping major industry radar … The Treatment Mobile,  Cara app could become as big as any of its 3 competitors… even bigger.


Big Pharma Looks To Evolve With The Times


Pfizer Inc (NYSE: PFE) headquartered in New York City, is an American multinational pharmaceutical corporation. They’re the world’s largest research-based pharmaceutical company and market leader of prescription drugs globally. Pfizer has had a long history of innovation that includes breakthrough treatments for many diseases such as cancer and heart disease.  The company also pioneered the development of vaccines against infectious diseases such as influenza and pneumonia. In more recent years they’ve been working to find new ways to address unmet needs by bringing forth novel medicines with different mechanisms or new uses for existing medicines to treat major health conditions including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia and depression.


Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE: TEVA) is an Israeli multinational pharmaceutical company, headquartered in Petah Tikva, Israel. It manufactures and markets generic drugs to fight medical conditions that are not well-served by the proprietary medicines of large drug companies. TEVA has a product portfolio of more than 1,000 molecules across its therapeutic areas including neurology, cardiovascular disease, anti-infectives and women’s health care among others. The company also produces active pharmaceutical ingredients used in the manufacture of prescription drugs for other manufacturers as well as over-the-counter products such as vitamins and dietary supplements.


Teva, like some of its Big Pharma peers, has also seen a particularly turbulent year. Though its stock price is sitting just shy of its price one year ago, the company’s multi-pronged approach to the industry positions it well for further growth.


Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) is another company that has received significant attention due to its COVID-19 vaccine, has also received widespread praise in the medical community. Not only is the medication the first of its kind, it has also had overwhelmingly positive benefits to the patients utilizing the drug. The drug showed improvement in depression symptoms for periods of time as long as four weeks.


Though patients are not able to use the medicine without direct supervision from a healthcare provider due to the side effects, the procedure has proven to be safe and sustainable in the long run. This is huge news for individuals suffering from depression, and this new treatment could be an absolute game-changer over time.


Allergan plc, which is now part of AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV) is a multinational pharmaceutical company that specializes in the development and selling of new, innovative treatments for eye diseases. Founded back in 1947 by two doctors, Allergan plc has grown to be one of the most trusted names in medicine today with over 100 different products on the market.


Allergan plc’s success can be attributed to their team of scientists who are dedicated to making groundbreaking discoveries. They also maintain an open-door policy for all physicians so they can learn about their newest innovations firsthand.


Merck & Co. (NYSE: MRK) is a pharmaceutical company that was founded in 1891. The company has been researching, developing, manufacturing and distributing prescription drugs for over the past century. Merck & Co.’s research efforts are focused on areas such as cancer, HIV/AIDS and Alzheimer’s disease. They also provide healthcare services to people living in countries where there is limited or no medical infrastructure by providing medicines, vaccines and other medical supplies to them at affordable prices through their Merck Foundation arm of the business.


With much of the COVID-19 hype dying down, companies with strong products and research and development teams like Merck & Co. stand to regain some of their ground among the vaccine allstars. This bodes well for Merck & Co. in the coming months, and the $200 billion company is a good pick for investors looking into the future.


By. Joao Piexe




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