"People Come in All Shapes, Sizes, Colors, and Full of Surprises!" reflects the humanitarian need for the acceptance of all people regardless of ethnicity, gender choices, and their choice of lifestyles and activities. The book is written using poetry and humor. The message of the book is summarized by the concluding remark, "There is a space and place for every face and race in God's grace." An important lesson for people of all ages, this book is an age-appropriate approach to teaching acceptance and inclusion.
About the Author
Rev. Stacy ("Papa Haus") Miller is a public educator and minister from a military family and has traveled the world and experienced many cultures and people. He has lived in Norway, Guam, and several states in North America. The author graduated from Oklahoma State University, Golden Gate Baptist and Phillips Theological Seminaries and attended the University of Central Oklahoma. The author has a strong sense of social justice and has learned that "being Jesus to the world" requires loving and accepting all people in all circumstances, which is essential to experiencing fulfillment in life. Miller believes that his experiences and travels properly equipped him to be the perfect vessel for such lessons taught in his book.
"People Come in All Shapes, Sizes, Colors, and Full of Surprises!" is a 36-page hardcover book with a retail price of $34.00 (eBook $29.00). The ISBN is 979-8-89127-714-4. It was published by RoseDog Books of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To buy the book, visit our online bookstore at www.rosedogbookstore.com/people-come-in-all-shapes-sizes-colors-and-full-of-surprises/
Amanda Urso
Rose Dog Books
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