Investment Company Act file number: 811-08777


Credit Suisse High Yield Bond Fund

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)


c/o Credit Suisse Asset Management, LLC

Eleven Madison Avenue

New York, New York 10010

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)


John G. Popp

Eleven Madison Avenue

New York, New York 10010

(Name and address of agent for service)


Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (212) 325-2000


Date of fiscal year end: 10/31


Date of reporting period: July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011







******************************* FORM N-Px REPORT *******************************


ICA File Number: 811-08777                                                     

Reporting Period: 07/01/2010 - 06/30/2011                                      

Credit Suisse High Yield Bond Fund                                             










====================== CREDIT SUISSE HIGH YIELD BOND FUND ======================



ABITIBIBOWATER INC.                                                            


Ticker:       ABH            Security ID:  003687209                           

Meeting Date: JUN 09, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 19, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Richard B. Evans         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Richard D. Falconer      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Richard Garneau          For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Jeffrey A. Hearn         For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Alain Rheaume            For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Paul C. Rivett           For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Michael S. Rousseau      For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director David H. Wilkins         For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management





CIT GROUP INC.                                                                 


Ticker:       CIT            Security ID:  125581801                           

Meeting Date: MAY 10, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 14, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director John A. Thain            For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Michael J. Embler        For       For          Management

3     Elect Director William M. Freeman       For       For          Management

4     Elect Director David M. Moffett         For       For          Management

5     Elect Director R. Brad Oates            For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Marianne Miller Parrs    For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Gerald Rosenfeld         For       For          Management

8     Elect Director John R. Ryan             For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Seymour Sternberg        For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Peter J. Tobin           For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Laura S. Unger           For       For          Management

12    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

13    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       Against      Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

14    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

15    Approve Qualified Employee Stock        For       For          Management

      Purchase Plan                                                            





MARK IV EUROPE LUX S.C.A.                                                      


Ticker:                      Security ID:  ADPV14539                           

Meeting Date: MAY 05, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports (Non-Voting)                                           

2     Allow Questions                         None      None         Management





NORTEK, INC.                                                                   


Ticker:       NTKS           Security ID:  656559309                            

Meeting Date: NOV 09, 2010   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  SEP 23, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director John T. Coleman          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Thomas A. Keenan         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director J. David Smith           For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management





NORTEK, INC.                                                                    


Ticker:       NTKS           Security ID:  656559309                           

Meeting Date: MAY 10, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 18, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Jeffrey C. Bloomberg     For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Joseph M. Cianciolo      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director James B. Hirshorn        For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

3     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management


4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





PRIDE INTERNATIONAL, INC.                                                      


Ticker:       PDE            Security ID:  74153QAG7                            

Meeting Date: MAY 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Written Consent                     

Record Date:  MAY 06, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     The Amendments                          For       Did Not Vote Management





SMURFIT-STONE CONTAINER CORPORATION                                            


Ticker:       SSCC           Security ID:  83272A104                           

Meeting Date: MAY 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  APR 08, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Merger Agreement                For       For          Management

2     Adjourn Meeting                         For       For          Management


========== END NPX REPORT




Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



Credit Suisse High Yield Bond Fund






/s/ John G. Popp



John G. Popp



Chief Executive Officer






August 9, 2011