Los Angeles, California May 3, 2022 (Issuewire.com) - Ancient Scholars about the Turks and the Turkic Nations. In 2 volumes.
Dr. A Sanducci
Imprint: World Scholarly Press
On sale: May 1, 2022
Price: $39.99
Pages: 403
Price: $39.99
Pages: 398
ISBN: 979-8-9859237-3-5
Dr. A. Sanducci, the author of "Ancient Scholars about the Turks and the Turkic Nations", brings a fresh perspective into a stagnated view of the Turkic nations and their past.
Primarily based on the genetic findings, backed by the archeological, historical, linguistic facts and testimonies of the ancient scholars, historians, and geographers, this work reveals breaking new evidence about the biblical origins of the Turkic nations who were related to the ancient Akkadians, Sumerians.
The 1st volume of the book unshrouds the Turkic pedigree of the Germanic nations, the natives of ancient Media, and the Scythians. The deciphered cuneiforms of the Behistun inscription in Persia, along with their detailed lexico-grammatical analysis shed light on the revolutionary facts about the Turkic origin of the Medes and their language. A large portion of this volume is devoted to the Scythians and most of their derivative tribes, including those located in Scythia and beyond, such as the As, Sacai, Parthians, Bactrians, Huns, Sarmats, Getai, Celtic, Iberian, Gallic, Germanic, and Thracian tribes.
The second volume casts light on the remaining Scytho-Thracian nations - the Trojans with a detailed classification of the related tribes, including the most renowned Illyrians, Spartans, Phrygians, Etruscans, Pelasgi. The in-depth lexico-grammatical analyses of the languages of two major Thracian nations - the Etruscans and the Phrygians ascertain their Turkic origin.
The book also demystifies the history of the ancient Armenians who were a Phrygian colony, sets them apart from the modern Armenians, and gives a chronological, historical account of the modern Armenian people, also known as the Hai, under the authority of their first historian Movses Khorenatsi.
The comparative analyses of 20 ancient alphabets reveal their common Turkic root.
Crucial archeological, cultural, political, linguistic, and genetic evidence points to the Turkic beginning of many Native Americans.
Among the numerous quotes from the ancient statesmen and reputable scholars, Dr. A.Sanducci brings forward the statement made by the father of Swedish Historiography prof. Sven Lagerbring: "Our ancestors are Turks who are comrades of Odin. We have got enough evidence on this subject...Odin and his comrades were Turks...We, the Germanic people, are in origin, Turks. We must not be ashamed of this fact. The Turks are a very honorable and proud people."
Both volumes of the book are available on Amazon.

Source :World Scholarly Press
This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.